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How about using Cinnamon in crafting? I'm not a crafty person most of the time. Recently, I started to check out ideas for making crafts. There are so many things that you can do. One thing I found that was interesting, in the craftworld, is the use of Cinnamon. Not only is Cinnamon good for your health, but it can be useful to you in your home decorating.

Here is a website you can view on the  heatlh benefits of Cinnamon. Cinnamon is not just good for your Cinnamon rolls.

Check out how to make a votive tealight holder. I think you will find this a very creative and easy to do craft. This design is by Jonathan Fong Style.

How is Diabetes?

If you struggle with blood sugars and also high blood pressure. I have some links for you, with information on how to eat healthier. When you are trying to get your blood sugar, to a normal level. You may experience frustration with having very high levels. Suzy Cohen is the author, of Diabetes without Drugs, and the author of a few other books, on health. The most important thing to know about your diabetes, is to know why you have diabetes in the first place. The first book is Diabetes without Drugs Link You can find her books on Amazon. Another book is called Drug Muggers, which medications are robbing your body of nutrients. Check out these books, and understand what your doctor may not be telling you.

I can post

I'm so grateful that I can now post again on my blog. Yay! Let the posting begin. I hope that you are trying to stay healthy as I'am. I will be posting so recipe and helpful tips on eating healthy. So stay tuned to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. I enjoy your visits and comments. Blessings.

Have you tried Blackberries?

Have you tried Blackberries? Well maybe you haven't tried them or are not familiar with them. I grew up, in a rural area, in Germantown, Maryland back then, it was called living in the country. I loved living there, because as a child we played outside all the time. We ran across the fields, playing games and we picked berries in the fields.  One of the berries we picked was blackberries and while picking we ate mouthfuls of these berries. My grandma would give us large buckets to go in the fields and pick these berries.

When we were finished picking the blackberries, she would make preserves, jams and jellies. My grandma made everything homemade and I would love to taste everything she made. She had apples trees, pear tree, plum trees, peach tree and a grape vine. She also had two gardens, in which she grew vegetables.  I felt this was the greatest place to live and I loved my grandma more than anything. My grandma would share out some, of the berries for us to eat, after all we did lots of picking. She would give us a cup, of berries with some sugar, on top of them.

Did we know that eating blackberries were healthy for us? No not at all. We only knew how great they tasted. Blackberries have antioxidants which are beneficial, in preventing heart disease and cancer. You may be able to find these berries at a farmers market. Sometimes you can also find them, in health food stores, or you may live near a farm where berries grow. If you try them you will be benefiting your health and also getting a great tasting blackberry. Enjoy!

Im feeling shaky

Hey folks, I been off my medication, for my thyroid since June 30, and now I'm feeling shaky. I feel irritable, sweaty and just plain not feeling like myself. Well it seems I have a lot going on. Don't I? I'm trying my best to stay in a good mood. And if I can't I will just go to my room and hide from everyone. It may sound drastic, but it's all I can do, to keep from putting my misery, on everyone else. Did I mention that I had my test done, to see the levels in my thyroid. I got to see the pictures of my thyroid too! It's enlarged and I hated getting the pictures done. It was like 15 minutes of torture. I had to lay down and have a pillow pushed under my shoulders. My neck was hanging back and my shoulders hurt the whole time.

Now that it's over I feel better and I never want to do that again. Never!. And so now, I will wait for the appointment to get the pill. Yes, it's a pill they give you with the right dosage amount. Why did I think, they were going to inject me with something. IDK. I feel so hot today and I'm not even outside. The air conditioner is on blast. LOL! Ok, Let me just say I hope, that you are feeling well. And if your not, I hope you will feel better soon. All the best to you. take care, and see ya soon!

Going For my Scan

This has been a long wait for the procedures to get started. Now it's about to happen for me in a few days. I will be getting a scan done to see the level of my thyroid. It is a two day procedure, in which you get a pill, so they will be able to look inside, to see what's going on. I will go in the morning on the first day to get the pill, in the afternoon I will return back for them to take the scan. The next day I will go back again for another scan. It  takes a couple of days to do the process. I would rather it be over in a few minutes and it not take days. However, this is how it's done. I'm going for the procedure on the 14th & 15th, of this month to have everything done. Wish me the best with everything. I'm praying that everything goes ok. btw. They have taken me off the methimazole before having the procedure. I will not be taking it to get the radioactive iodine treatment. That's it for now, I will keep you updated as soon as I have more information for you. see ya soon.


photo from
Over the year there has been lots of studies on eggs. Studies have proven that there are risk to eating eggs, such as increasing your cholesterol. So, what are the pros and cons to eating eggs, or not eating eggs. Well I'm going to look at a few things about eggs that have been found recently. Do you like egg? Would you like to know if they are beneficial for you? If you decide that eating eggs is right for you, hear is more reasons, to keep eating them. Health Benefits of Eggs, listed are 10 healthy benefits of eating eggs. I found another article in Womens Health Magazine, that discuss four more reasons to the benefits of eating eggs. Now that you know that eggs have some healthy benefits. Don't be afraid to keep enjoy the incredible egg.


Do you like blueberries? Well if you do then you are preventing your arteries from hardening. There are a number of reasons to eat blueberries.

  1. Halt hardening of the arteries.
  2. Lower Blood Pressure
  3. Rejuvenate Aging Brain
  4. Prevent Obesity- Related Insulin Resistance
  5. May reduce belly fat
I was never really acquainted with blueberries. It's not a food that we ate in our household growing up. We ate strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. But not had any interest in blueberries at that time. My daughter makes a cake for the 4th of July and it's Red, White and Blue. And she use blueberries for the star section of the flag cake. I really like this cake and I would have liked her to make it this year. She was to busy with other things and didn't make it this year. Now that I know more about blueberries. I'm definitely going to try and fit them into my diet more often. If you didn't know the benefits of blueberries. You may want to get them a try next time you visit your grocery store or market.