7 months ago
Going For my Scan
Posted by
on Friday, July 8, 2011
going for scan of thyroid
This has been a long wait for the procedures to get started. Now it's about to happen for me in a few days. I will be getting a scan done to see the level of my thyroid. It is a two day procedure, in which you get a pill, so they will be able to look inside, to see what's going on. I will go in the morning on the first day to get the pill, in the afternoon I will return back for them to take the scan. The next day I will go back again for another scan. It takes a couple of days to do the process. I would rather it be over in a few minutes and it not take days. However, this is how it's done. I'm going for the procedure on the 14th & 15th, of this month to have everything done. Wish me the best with everything. I'm praying that everything goes ok. btw. They have taken me off the methimazole before having the procedure. I will not be taking it to get the radioactive iodine treatment. That's it for now, I will keep you updated as soon as I have more information for you. see ya soon.
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