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My Thyroid

I haven't updated about my thyroid and I wanted to let you know how things are going. Yesterday I had pain in my shoulder and I just figure its my thyroid. Remember a few weeks ago, I was in the hospital. The reason they gave me to all the problems I was having. Was due to my thyroid. I was definitely upset, due to the fact that I'm so over being sick and having pain.  I was having chest pain and they gave me a series of test on my heart. I was relieved to find out that it wasn't my heart. Thankfully!

My problem is my doctors and I don't know what they are doing. I find myself going back and forth to appointments. I first have to go get lab work done at the hospital. This is before I go to my doctor appointment. I usually go a few days before the appointment to get the labs done. Ok that being said. I get to the doctor appointment and they ask some questions. Has any of your medication changed? Are you sleeping, tired and do you have anxiety? Are you having any other changes headaches sweating, coughing. And the list goes on. After going through this each time I go to the doctors. I don't see what the point is.

The last few times I been there. I have requested the Radioactive Iodine Treatment. You would think that was a simple problem. But each time I get the run around. I need more labs. I need to see a eye doctor. What is really going on. In the hospital the doctor said to me. "You need to get your thyroid burned". Oh really! Thats what I have been trying to do. Wow! So now my plan is to go back to my primary doctor and have a long discussion with her. I finally got the name of the doctor from my thyroid doctor. I will give it to my primary doctor and she can write me a referral.

That is what I have been going through and to me it has been unnecessary drama. What has it all been for? I don't know and instead of getting angry. I just made a plan to get it done and that is what I plan to do!
 Stay healthy people and see ya soon!


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