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I got My Script!

You may be wondering what I'm talking about. Well I had a doctor's appointment with my thyroid doctor yesterday. We went over all the numbers for my thyroid and what happened back in the end of May, when I was hospitalized. After reviewing all that, my doctor discussed the treatment options with me. Then plan is to get the Radioactive Iodine Treatment. Now what that will do is the change me from being hyperthyroid to hypothyroid. You may wonder why that happens and the reasons for this. The doctor did explain it to me in technical terms, however it didn't stick in my brain.

I will try to find some information on the details and post it here. I've explained that hyperthyroid causes lots of things to happen in the body. One of them being, a very fast heart rate. This really can't be good for the heart speeding like that. That is a major concern for me, plus other things. Now the script has been written for me to go to the hospital Radiology and get the treatment. I'm so happy to be getting this done and now I will go through some other symptoms before the treatment will take effect. I will pray that this will be over soon and  I will feel much better.

All the best with your thyroid health. See the video on Faith Ford, discussing her Graves Disease.


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