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Writing your own Obituary

I received a email from a relative asking to pick out some photos of herself. She explained that she was interested in writing her own obituary. Ok, first of all who does that?! I was like "I don't know where to begin to answer you. I will write you tomorrow". So I decided to write her back in doing so, I let her know that how I felt about doing that.

I was brought up in a Christian home and somehow this just doesn't seem right to me. I gave her my insight as to why I felt that this is some sort of worship to your own self. This is like I need to write a great story about myself because no one else can do a better job. I was given information from her that. Someone she knew had did it and blah blah blah. I don't care who did it. It doesn't sit well with me at all.

She says "I know it sounds kinda morbid to think about that. But look at the pictures and pick one. She wanted a family vote. As far as I know I'm the only one who responded. Maybe some others did. I don't know. My sister said that, she wasn't even going to look at the email. My thing is are you trying to get attention from people. Do you have some kind of problem?

Do you need your ego stroked? Do you think that you are a God? Well I let her know in so many words, how I felt. And she said, that I was bitter towards her and that I'm not showing any love. I have a few other words to say, but I won't say them. One thing I can say is GET A LIFE! Apparently, you have to much time on your hands.

Do you think that someone is ok when they want to write their own Obituary? I just would like to know, what people are thinking on this subject. Have great day! The pain is less today and I'm thankful for that.
I have a appointment Friday with the Doc. So see ya soon people!


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