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Hyperthyroidism - Pain

If you have been following my blog then you know that I was diagnosed with hyperthryoidism. This has become a real issue for me, because there was no real warning that I could really see. Maybe the signs were there and I didn't notice. I put the fatigue and sleepness to being tired. I also thought I was just going through menopause.

This has been overlooked by doctors in many cases people go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Try to ask lots of questions when you are not feeling well and don't just dismiss them. Now I'm medication methimazole, which is for hyperthyroidism. I was diagnosed in June and it has been a very slow process with the medication. At one point my muscles were so weak that I could hardly walk. The pain was overwhelming and at night I was hardly getting any sleep.

I would literally be crying because I couldnt take the pain. I've tried some over the counter pain medication. They really don't work well to me. The doctor is not willing to perscribe me a continuim of pain medication until they find what is causing the problem. So therefore I suffer with the pain. Now I'm having pain in my hands. Today my left hand is hurting and three of my fingers are stiff and won't bend.

I have been reading that this my or may not be a side effect from the medication. I have not found any conclusive results on that yet. There are just simple things that you want to do and you can't or you try to force it because you have to. It is a very painful thing to go through. Things like getting dressed and washing yourself. Switching hands so that you can feed yourself. I'm right handed and I don't do well with my left hand.

I would just like some results on why my hands are swelling up now and causing me this pain. My knees still have pain in the joints and at night is the worst, when I try to sleep. Sometimes the pains are sharp pains. This is very uncomfortable for me. I'm hoping that when I go to the endo doctor. I will find out what is going on. Wish me luck and let me know if you are having any of these problems. Feel better people and having this is no joke.


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