What do you do when you don't like someone? Do you avoid this person when you see them coming? Does the sight of them irritate you to your core. This is a situation I'm going through right now. I can be one of the nicest persons you ever want to meet. Most of the time I can manage to avoid people that I don't like. It may be a number of reasons why I don't like you. One reason maybe you complain to much. You have nothing to do everyday. All you do is just complain about every little thing. I had a soda bottle sitting by the chair I was sitting in. When I left work that day, it had not occurred to me, that I left this bottle sitting there. Well I found out the next day, when I returned to work, that some person complained about the soda bottle. Well its not really some person. It's one person, that gets off on whining and crying, about everything in possible f'n sight. What is the problem here. Do you have a life? Well I told this person last night that I'm tired of the crap. I tired of someone saying you didn't fill the cup up for the persons teeth. You didn't do this you you you you. Its really unnecessary. If I come in and something may not, be in place I just do it and its done.
It's like your kids leave the cap off the toothpaste. Yea, its annoying but, do you write a long letter, and pick at every detail of their day. Hell No! You go on and put the cap on the toothpaste. You move ON! Hello. Unless you are anal retentive and so your life just may be screwed. I'm jus saying get a life.
stay tuned meeting friday
7 months ago
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